Where We Go
Scale & Coin members go on to build successful careers in finance, consulting, technology, entrepreneurship, and more.

Company Affiliation
23% of Scale & Coin alumni work at Fortune 500 Companies​
Top 3 Companies: Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Amazon
46% of Scale & Coin alumni work at large corporations, while 12% of alumni work at newer ventures and startups.
Career Advancement
20% of Scale & Coin alumni hold leadership or senior-level roles
Top 3 Most Common Positions Held: ​Software Engineer, Vice President, Analyst/Associate
Education & Impact
Top 3 majors, minors, or certificates: Economics (55%), Computer Science (24%), Mathematics (12%)
14% of Scale & Coin alumni are currently pursuing or completed advanced degrees.
Top 3 most matriculated schools: University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Princeton University​
8% of Scale & Coin alumni work abroad
Top locations where alumni are based: New York City (39%), San Francisco (10%), Boston (6%)
Jobs & Internships
Scale & Coin members, on average, hold 1.8 jobs after graduation.
42% of alumni interned at top-tier firms during their undergraduate years
Top 3 firms: Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley